Using Atlantis

Atlantis triggers commands via pull request comments. Help Command


You can use following executable names.

  • atlantis help
  • run help
    • run is a global executable name.
  • @GithubUser help
    • @GithubUser is the VCS host user which you connected to Atlantis by user token.

Currently, Atlantis supports the following commands.

atlantis help

atlantis help


View help

atlantis version

atlantis version


Print the output of 'terraform version'.

atlantis plan

atlantis plan [options] -- [terraform plan flags]


Runs terraform plan on the pull request's branch. You may wish to re-run plan after Atlantis has already done so if you've changed some resources manually.


# Runs plan for any projects that Atlantis thinks were modified.
# If an `atlantis.yaml` file is specified, runs plan on the projects that
# were modified as determined by the `when_modified` config.
atlantis plan

# Runs plan in the root directory of the repo with workspace `default`.
atlantis plan -d .

# Runs plan in the `project1` directory of the repo with workspace `default`
atlantis plan -d project1

# Runs plan in the root directory of the repo with workspace `staging`
atlantis plan -w staging


  • -d directory Which directory to run plan in relative to root of repo. Use . for root.
    • Ex. atlantis plan -d child/dir
  • -p project Which project to run plan for. Refers to the name of the project configured in the repo's atlantis.yaml file. Cannot be used at same time as -d or -w because the project defines this already.
  • -w workspace Switch to this Terraform workspace before planning. Defaults to default. If not using Terraform workspaces you can ignore this.
  • --verbose Append Atlantis log to comment.


A atlantis plan (without flags), like autoplans, discards all plans previously created with atlantis plan -p/-d/-w

Additional Terraform flags

If you need to run terraform plan with additional arguments, like -target=resource or -var 'foo-bar' or -var-file myfile.tfvars you can append them to the end of the comment after --, ex.

atlantis plan -d dir -- -var foo='bar'

If you always need to append a certain flag, see Custom Workflow Use Cases.

atlantis apply

atlantis apply [options] -- [terraform apply flags]


Runs terraform apply for the plan that matches the directory/project/workspace.


If no directory/project/workspace is specified, ex. atlantis apply, this command will apply all unapplied plans from this pull request. This includes all projects that have been planned manually with atlantis plan -p/-d/-w since the last autoplan or atlantis plan command.


# Runs apply for all unapplied plans from this pull request.
atlantis apply

# Runs apply in the root directory of the repo with workspace `default`.
atlantis apply -d .

# Runs apply in the `project1` directory of the repo with workspace `default`
atlantis apply -d project1

# Runs apply in the root directory of the repo with workspace `staging`
atlantis apply -w staging


  • -d directory Apply the plan for this directory, relative to root of repo. Use . for root.
  • -p project Apply the plan for this project. Refers to the name of the project configured in the repo's atlantis.yaml file. Cannot be used at same time as -d or -w.
  • -w workspace Apply the plan for this Terraform workspace. If not using Terraform workspaces you can ignore this.
  • --auto-merge-disabled Disable automerge for this apply command.
  • --verbose Append Atlantis log to comment.

Additional Terraform flags

Because Atlantis under the hood is running terraform apply plan.tfplan, any Terraform options that would change the plan are ignored, ex:

  • -target=resource
  • -var 'foo=bar'
  • -var-file=myfile.tfvars

They're ignored because they can't be specified for an already generated planfile. If you would like to specify these flags, do it while running atlantis plan.

atlantis unlock

atlantis unlock


Removes all atlantis locks and discards all plans for this PR. To unlock a specific plan you can use the Atlantis UI.

atlantis approve_policies

atlantis approve_policies


Approves all current policy checking failures for the PR.

See also policy checking.


  • --verbose Append Atlantis log to comment.