Server Configuration

This page explains how to configure the atlantis server command.

Configuration to atlantis server can be specified via command line flags, environment variables, a config file or a mix of the three.

Environment Variables

All flags can be specified as environment variables.

  1. Take the flag name, ex. --gh-user
  2. Ignore the first -- => gh-user
  3. Convert the -'s to _'s => gh_user
  4. Uppercase all the letters => GH_USER
  5. Prefix with ATLANTIS_ => ATLANTIS_GH_USER


To set a boolean flag use true or false as the value.


The flag --atlantis-url is set by the environment variable ATLANTIS_ATLANTIS_URL NOT ATLANTIS_URL.

Config File

All flags can also be specified via a YAML config file.

To use a YAML config file, run atlantis server --config /path/to/config.yaml.

The keys of your config file should be the same as the flag names, ex.

gh-token: ...
log-level: ...


The config file you pass to --config is different from the --repo-config file. The --config config file is only used as an alternate way of setting atlantis server flags.


Values are chosen in this order:

  1. Flags
  2. Environment Variables
  3. Config File



atlantis server --allow-draft-prs
# or

Respond to pull requests from draft prs. Defaults to false.


atlantis server --allow-fork-prs
# or

Respond to pull requests from forks. Defaults to false.


Potentially dangerous to enable because if attackers can create a pull request to your repo then they can cause Atlantis to run arbitrary code. This can happen because Atlantis will automatically run terraform plan which can run arbitrary code if given a malicious Terraform configuration.


atlantis server --allow-repo-config
# or

This flag is deprecated. It allows all repos to use all restricted atlantis.yaml keys. See Repo Level Atlantis.yaml for more details.

Instead of using this flag, create a server-side --repo-config file:

# repos.yaml
- id: /.*/
  allowed_overrides: [apply_requirements, workflow]
  allow_custom_workflows: true

Or use

--repo-config-json='{"repos":[{"id":"/.*/", "allowed_overrides":["apply_requirements","workflow"], "allow_custom_workflows":true}]}'


This setting enables pull requests to run arbitrary code on the Atlantis server. Only enable in trusted settings.


atlantis server --atlantis-url=""
# or

Specify the URL that Atlantis is accessible from. Used in the Atlantis UI and in links from pull request comments. Defaults to http://$(hostname):$port where $port is from the --port flag. Supports a basepath if you're hosting Atlantis under a path.


atlantis server --automerge
# or

Automatically merge pull requests after all plans have been successfully applied. Defaults to false. See Automerging for more details.


# NOTE: Use single quotes to avoid shell expansion of *.
atlantis server --autoplan-file-list='**/*.tf,project1/*.pkr.hcl'
# or

List of file patterns that Atlantis will use to check if a directory contains modified files that should trigger project planning.


  • Accepts a comma separated list, ex. pattern1,pattern2.
  • Patterns use the .dockerignore syntax
  • List of file patterns will be used by both automatic and manually run plans.
  • When not set, defaults to all .tf, .tfvars, .tfvars.json, terragrunt.hcl and .terraform.lock.hcl files (--autoplan-file-list='**/*.tf,**/*.tfvars,**/*.tfvars.json,**/terragrunt.hcl,**/.terraform.lock.hcl').
  • Setting --autoplan-file-list will override the defaults. You must add **/*.tf and other defaults if you want to include them.
  • A custom Workflow that uses autoplan when_modified will ignore this value.


  • Autoplan when any *.tf or *.tfvars file is modified.
    • --autoplan-file-list='**/*.tf,**/*.tfvars'
  • Autoplan when any *.tf file is modified except in project2/ directory
    • --autoplan-file-list='**/*.tf,!project2'
  • Autoplan when any *.tf files or .yml files in subfolder of project1 is modified.
    • --autoplan-file-list='**/*.tf,project2/**/*.yml'


By default, changes to modules will not trigger autoplanning. See the flags below.


atlantis server --autoplan-modules

Defaults to false. When set to true, Atlantis will trace the local modules of included projects. Included project are projects with files included by --autoplan-file-list. After tracing, Atlantis will plan any project that includes a changed module. This is equivalent to setting --autoplan-modules-from-projects to the value of --autoplan-file-list. See below.


atlantis server --autoplan-modules-from-projects='**/'

Enables auto-planing of projects when a module dependency in the same repository has changed. This is a list of file patterns like autoplan-file-list.

These patterns select projects to index based on the files matched. The index maps modules to the projects that depends on them, including projects that include the module via other modules. When a module file matching autoplan-file-list changes, all indexed projects will be planned.

Current default is "" (disabled).


  • **/*.tf - will index all projects that have a .tf file in their directory, and plan them whenever an in-repo module dependency has changed.
  • **/*.tf,!foo,!bar - will index all projects containing .tf except foo and bar and plan them whenever an in-repo module dependency has changed. This allows projects to opt-out of auto-planning when a module dependency changes.


Modules that are not selected by autoplan-file-list will not be indexed and dependant projects will not be planned. This flag allows the projects to index to be selected, but the trigger for a plan must be a file in autoplan-file-list.


This flag overrides --autoplan-modules. If you wish to disable auto-planning of modules, set this flag to an empty string, and set --autoplan-modules to false.


atlantis server --azuredevops-hostname=""
# or

Azure DevOps hostname to support cloud and self hosted instances. Defaults to


atlantis server --azuredevops-webhook-password="password123"
# or (recommended)

Azure DevOps basic authentication password for inbound webhooks (see docs).


If not specified, Atlantis won't be able to validate that the incoming webhook call came from your Azure DevOps org. This means that an attacker could spoof calls to Atlantis and cause it to perform malicious actions. Should be specified via the ATLANTIS_AZUREDEVOPS_BASIC_AUTH environment variable.


atlantis server --azuredevops-webhook-user=""
# or

Azure DevOps basic authentication username for inbound webhooks.


atlantis server --azuredevops-token="RandomStringProducedByAzureDevOps"
# or (recommended)

Azure DevOps token of API user.


atlantis server --azuredevops-user=""
# or

Azure DevOps username of API user.


atlantis server --bitbucket-base-url="http://bitbucket.corp:7990/basepath"
# or

Base URL of Bitbucket Server (aka Stash) installation. Must include http:// or https://. If using Bitbucket Cloud (, do not set. Defaults to


atlantis server --bitbucket-token="token"
# or (recommended)

Bitbucket app password of API user.


atlantis server --bitbucket-user="myuser"
# or

Bitbucket username of API user.


atlantis server --bitbucket-webhook-secret="secret"
# or (recommended)

Secret used to validate Bitbucket webhooks. Only Bitbucket Server supports webhook secrets. For, see Security for mitigations.


If not specified, Atlantis won't be able to validate that the incoming webhook call came from Bitbucket. This means that an attacker could spoof calls to Atlantis and cause it to perform malicious actions.


atlantis server --checkout-strategy="<branch|merge>"
# or

How to check out pull requests. Use either branch or merge. Defaults to branch. See Checkout Strategy for more details.


atlantis server --config="my/config/file.yaml"
# or

YAML config file where flags can also be set. See Config File for more details.


atlantis server --data-dir="path/to/data/dir"
# or

Directory where Atlantis will store its data. Will be created if it doesn't exist. Defaults to ~/.atlantis. Atlantis will store its database, checked out repos, Terraform plans and downloaded Terraform binaries here. If Atlantis loses this directory, locks will be lost and unapplied plans will be lost.


atlantis server --default-tf-version="v0.12.31"
# or

Terraform version to default to. Will download to <data-dir>/bin/terraform<version> if not in PATH. See Terraform Versions for more details.


atlantis server --disable-apply
# or

Disable all atlantis apply commands, regardless of which flags are passed with it.


atlantis server --disable-apply-all
# or

Disable atlantis apply command so a specific project/workspace/directory has to be specified for applies.


atlantis server --disable-autoplan
# or

Disable atlantis auto planning.


atlantis server --disable-markdown-folding
# or

Disable folding in markdown output using the <details> html tag.


atlantis server --disable-repo-locking
# or

Stops atlantis from locking projects and or workspaces when running terraform.


atlantis server --enable-policy-checks
# or

Enables atlantis to run server side policies on the result of a terraform plan. Policies are defined in server side repo config.


atlantis server --enable-regexp-cmd
# or

Enable Atlantis to use regular expressions to run plan/apply commands against defined project names when -p flag is passed with it.

This can be used to run all defined projects (with the name key) in atlantis.yaml using atlantis plan -p .*.

This will not work with -d yet and to use -p the repo projects must be defined in the repo atlantis.yaml file.

This will bypass --restrict-file-list if regex is used, normal commands will stil be blocked if necessary.


It's not supposed to be used with --disable-apply-all. The command atlantis apply -p .* will bypass the restriction and run apply on every projects.


atlantis server --enable-diff-markdown-format
# or

Enable Atlantis to format Terraform plan output into a markdown-diff friendly format for color-coding purposes.

Useful to enable for use with GitHub.


atlantis server --executable-name="atlantis"
# or

Comment command trigger executable name. Defaults to atlantis.

This is useful when running multiple Atlantis servers against a single repository.


atlantis server --gh-hostname=""
# or

Hostname of your GitHub Enterprise installation. If using, don't set. Defaults to


atlantis server --gh-token="token"
# or (recommended)

GitHub token of API user.


atlantis server --gh-user="myuser"
# or

GitHub username of API user.


atlantis server --gh-webhook-secret="secret"
# or (recommended)

Secret used to validate GitHub webhooks (see


If not specified, Atlantis won't be able to validate that the incoming webhook call came from GitHub. This means that an attacker could spoof calls to Atlantis and cause it to perform malicious actions.


atlantis server --gh-org="myorgname"
# or

GitHub organization name. Set to enable creating a private GitHub app for this organization.


atlantis server --gh-app-id="00000"
# or

GitHub app ID. If set, GitHub authentication will be performed as an installation.


A GitHub app can be created by starting Atlantis first, then pointing your browser at


You'll be redirected to GitHub to create a new app, and will then be redirected to


After which Atlantis will display your new app's credentials: your app's ID, its generated --gh-webhook-secret and the contents of the file for --gh-app-key-file. Update your Atlantis config accordingly, and restart the server.


atlantis server --gh-app-slug="myappslug"
# or

A slugged version of GitHub app name shown in pull requests comments, etc (not Atlantis App but something like atlantis-app). Atlantis uses the value of this parameter to identify the comments it has left on GitHub pull requests. This is used for functions such as --hide-prev-plan-comments.


atlantis server --gh-app-key-file="path/to/app-key.pem"
# or

Path to a GitHub App PEM encoded private key file. If set, GitHub authentication will be performed as an installation.


atlantis server --gh-app-key="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----(...)"
# or

The PEM encoded private key for the GitHub App.


The contents of the private key will be visible by anyone that can run ps or look at the shell history of the machine where Atlantis is running. Use --gh-app-key-file to mitigate that risk.


atlantis server --gh-team-allowlist="myteam:plan, secteam:apply, DevOps Team:apply"
# or
ATLANTIS_GH_TEAM_ALLOWLIST="myteam:plan, secteam:apply, DevOps Team:apply"

In versions v0.21.0 and later, the GitHub team name can be a name or a slug.

In versions v0.20.1 and below, the Github team name required the case sensitive team name.

Comma-separated list of GitHub teams and permission pairs.

By default, any team can plan and apply.


You should use the Team name as the variable, not the slug, even if it has spaces or special characters. i.e., "Engineering Team:plan, Infrastructure Team:apply"


atlantis server --gh-allow-mergeable-bypass-apply
# or

Feature flag to enable ability to use mergeable mode with required apply status check.


If there aren't any required checks set in the Github branch protection settings then this will cause atlantis to fail. See issue


atlantis server --gitlab-hostname=""
# or

Hostname of your GitLab Enterprise installation. If using, don't set. Defaults to


atlantis server --gitlab-token="token"
# or (recommended)

GitLab token of API user.


atlantis server --gitlab-user="myuser"
# or

GitLab username of API user.


atlantis server --gitlab-webhook-secret="secret"
# or (recommended)

Secret used to validate GitLab webhooks.


If not specified, Atlantis won't be able to validate that the incoming webhook call came from GitLab. This means that an attacker could spoof calls to Atlantis and cause it to perform malicious actions.


atlantis server --help

View help.


atlantis server --hide-prev-plan-comments
# or

Hide previous plan comments to declutter PRs. This is only supported in GitHub currently. This is not enabled by default.


atlantis server --locking-db-type="<boltdb|redis>"
# or

The locking database type to use for storing plan and apply locks. Defaults to boltdb.


  • If set to boltdb, only one process may have access to the boltdb instance.
  • If set to redis, then --redis-host, --redis-port, and --redis-password must be set.


atlantis server --log-level="<debug|info|warn|error>"
# or

Log level. Defaults to info.


atlantis server --markdown-template-overrides-dir="path/to/templates/"
# or

This will be available in v0.21.0.

Directory where Atlantis will read in overrides for markdown templates used to render comments on pull requests. Markdown template overrides may be specified either in individual files, or all together in a single file. All template override files must have the .tmpl extension, otherwise they will not be parsed.

Markdown templates which may have overrides can be found here

Please be mindful that settings like --enable-diff-markdown-format depend on logic defined in the templates. It is possible to diverge from expected behavior, if care is not taken when overriding default templates.

Defaults to the atlantis home directory /home/atlantis/.markdown_templates/ in /$HOME/.markdown_templates.


atlantis server --parallel-pool-size=100
# or

Max size of the wait group that runs parallel plans and applies (if enabled). Defaults to 15


atlantis server --port=4141
# or

Port to bind to. Defaults to 4141.


atlantis server --quiet-policy-checks
# or

Exclude policy check comments from pull requests unless there's an actual error from conftest. This also excludes warnings. Defaults to false.


atlantis server --redis-host="localhost"
# or

The Redis Hostname for when using a Locking DB type of redis.


atlantis server --redis-password="password123"
# or (recommended)

The Redis Password for when using a Locking DB type of redis.


atlantis server --redis-port=6379
# or

The Redis Port for when using a Locking DB type of redis. Defaults to 6379.


atlantis server --redis-db=0
# or

The Redis Database to use when using a Locking DB type of redis. Defaults to 0.


atlantis server --redis-tls-enabled=false
# or

Enables a TLS connection, with min version of 1.2, to Redis when using a Locking DB type of redis. Defaults to false.


atlantis server --redis-insecure-skip-verify=false
# or

Controls whether the Redis client verifies the Redis server's certificate chain and host name. If true, accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. Defaults to false.


If this is enabled, TLS is susceptible to machine-in-the-middle attacks unless custom verification is used.


atlantis server --repo-config="path/to/repos.yaml"
# or

Path to a YAML server-side repo config file. See Server Side Repo Config.


atlantis server --repo-config-json='{"repos":[{"id":"/.*/", "apply_requirements":["mergeable"]}]}'
# or
ATLANTIS_REPO_CONFIG_JSON='{"repos":[{"id":"/.*/", "apply_requirements":["mergeable"]}]}'

Specify server-side repo config as a JSON string. Useful if you don't want to write a config file to disk. See Server Side Repo Config for more details.


If specifying a Workflow, step's can be specified as follows:

  "repos": [],
  "workflows": {
    "custom": {
      "plan": {
        "steps": [
            "plan": {
              "extra_args": ["extra", "args"]
            "run": "my custom command"



Deprecated for --repo-allowlist.


# NOTE: Use single quotes to avoid shell expansion of *.
atlantis server --repo-allowlist='*'
# or

Atlantis requires you to specify an allowlist of repositories it will accept webhooks from.


  • Accepts a comma separated list, ex. definition1,definition2
  • Format is {hostname}/{owner}/{repo}, ex.
  • * matches any characters, ex.* will match all repos in the runatlantis organization
  • For Bitbucket Server: {hostname} is the domain without scheme and port, {owner} is the name of the project (not the key), and {repo} is the repo name
    • User (not project) repositories take on the format: {hostname}/{full name}/{repo} (e.g., Doe/myatlantis for username jdoe and full name Jane Doe, which is not very intuitive)
  • For Azure DevOps the allowlist takes one of two forms: {owner}{project}/{repo} or{owner}/{project}/{repo}
  • Microsoft is in the process of changing Azure DevOps to the latter form, so it may be safest to always specify both formats in your repo allowlist for each repository until the change is complete.


  • Allowlist myorg/repo1 and myorg/repo2 on
  • Allowlist all repos under myorg on
    • --repo-allowlist='*'
  • Allowlist all repos in my GitHub Enterprise installation
    • --repo-allowlist='*'
  • Allowlist all repos under myorg project myproject on Azure DevOps
    • --repo-allowlist='*,*'
  • Allowlist all repositories
    • --repo-allowlist='*'


atlantis server --require-approval
# or

This flag is deprecated. It requires all pull requests to be approved before atlantis apply is allowed. See Apply Requirements for more details.

Instead of using this flag, create a server-side --repo-config file:

# repos.yaml
- id: /.*/
  apply_requirements: [approved]

Or use --repo-config-json='{"repos":[{"id":"/.*/", "apply_requirements":["approved"]}]}' instead.


atlantis server --require-mergeable
# or

This flag is deprecated. It causes all pull requests to be mergeable before atlantis apply is allowed. See Apply Requirements for more details.

Instead of using this flag, create a server-side --repo-config file:

# repos.yaml
- id: /.*/
  apply_requirements: [mergeable]

Or use --repo-config-json='{"repos":[{"id":"/.*/", "apply_requirements":["mergeable"]}]}' instead.


atlantis server --silence-fork-pr-errors
# or

Normally, if Atlantis receives a pull request webhook from a fork and --allow-fork-prs is not set, it will comment back with an error. This flag disables that commenting.



Deprecated for --silence-allowlist-errors.


atlantis server --silence-allowlist-errors
# or

Some users use the --repo-allowlist flag to control which repos Atlantis responds to. Normally, if Atlantis receives a pull request webhook from a repo not listed in the allowlist, it will comment back with an error. This flag disables that commenting.

Some users find this useful because they prefer to add the Atlantis webhook at an organization level rather than on each repo.


atlantis server --silence-no-projects
# or

--silence-no-projects will tell Atlantis to ignore PRs if none of the modified files are part of a project defined in the atlantis.yaml file.

This is useful when running multiple Atlantis servers against a single repository so you can delegate work to each Atlantis server. Also useful when used with pre_workflow_hooks to dynamically generate an atlantis.yaml file.


atlantis server --silence-vcs-status-no-plans
# or

--silence-vcs-status-no-plans will tell Atlantis to ignore setting VCS status if none of the modified files are part of a project defined in the atlantis.yaml file.


atlantis server --skip-clone-no-changes
# or

--skip-clone-no-changes will skip cloning the repo during autoplan if there are no changes to Terraform projects. This will only apply for GitHub and GitLab and only for repos that have atlantis.yaml file. Defaults to false.


atlantis server --slack-token=token
# or (recommended)

API token for Slack notifications. Slack is not fully supported. TODO: Slack docs.


atlantis server --ssl-cert-file="/etc/ssl/certs/my-cert.crt"
# or

File containing x509 Certificate used for serving HTTPS. If the cert is signed by a CA, the file should be the concatenation of the server's certificate, any intermediates, and the CA's certificate.


atlantis server --ssl-key-file="/etc/ssl/private/my-cert.key"
# or

File containing x509 private key matching --ssl-cert-file.


atlantis server --restrict-file-list
# or (recommended)

--restrict-file-list will block plan requests from projects outside the files modified in the pull request. This will not block plan requests with regex if using the --enable-regexp-cmd flag, in these cases commands like atlantis plan -p .* will still work if used. normal commands will stil be blocked if necessary. Defaults to false.


atlantis server --stats-namespace="myatlantis"
# or

Namespace for emitting stats/metrics. See stats section.


atlantis server --tf-download-url=""
# or

An alternative URL to download Terraform versions if they are missing. Useful in an airgapped environment where is not available. Directory structure of the custom endpoint should match that of


atlantis server --tfe-hostname=""
# or

Hostname of your Terraform Enterprise installation to be used in conjunction with --tfe-token. See Terraform Cloud for more details. If using Terraform Cloud (i.e. you don't have your own Terraform Enterprise installation) no need to set since it defaults to


atlantis server --tfe-local-execution-mode
# or

Enable if you're using local execution mode (instead of TFE/C's remote execution mode). See Terraform Cloud for more details.


atlantis server --tfe-token="xxx.atlasv1.yyy"
# or (recommended)

A token for Terraform Cloud/Terraform Enterprise integration. See Terraform Cloud for more details.


atlantis server --var-file-allowlist='/path/to/tfvars/dir'
# or

Comma-separated list of additional directory paths where variable definition files can be read from. The paths in this argument should be absolute paths. Relative paths and globbing are currently not supported. If this argument is not provided, it defaults to Atlantis' data directory, determined by the --data-dir argument.


atlantis server --vcs-status-name="atlantis-dev"
# or

Name used to identify Atlantis when updating a pull request status. Defaults to atlantis.

This is useful when running multiple Atlantis servers against a single repository so you can give each Atlantis server its own unique name to prevent the statuses clashing.


atlantis server --write-git-creds
# or

Write out a .git-credentials file with the provider user and token to allow cloning private modules over HTTPS or SSH. See here for more information.

Follow the git::ssh syntax to avoid using a custom .gitconfig with an insteadOf.

module "private_submodule" {
  source = "git::ssh://<org>/<repo>//modules/<some-module-name>?ref=v1.2.3"

  # ...


This does write secrets to disk and should only be enabled in a secure environment.


atlantis server --web-basic-auth
# or

Enable Basic Authentication on the Atlantis web service.


atlantis server --web-username="atlantis"
# or

Username used for Basic Authentication on the Atlantis web service. Defaults to atlantis.


atlantis server --web-password="atlantis"
# or

Password used for Basic Authentication on the Atlantis web service. Defaults to atlantis.


atlantis server --websocket-check-origin
# or

Only allow websockets connection when they originate from the running Atlantis web server